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How to shoot a video introduction 🎬

💡 Shooting a video introduction for your Story is the most effective way to get people to film themselves. Why?

  • It's a chance to practice what you preach and show your contributors it's not that hard!
  • You can use this as an opportunity to share some best practice tips your contributors can use themselves - remember the 5 L's!
  • A personalised video is the best way to build trust, show who their clips are going to be seen by and to get your contributors excited about being involved!

Here are a couple of video introduction examples to get your creativity going:

Example #1 - Happy Birthday Josh


Example #2 - 24 hours at Seenit

What to include

Here are some ideas of what you could include in your's:

1. The purpose of the story

2. Why you picked these contributors to take part

3. Where their footage will end up. 

4. Your filming instructions

5. Filming tips (don't just tell them, show them!)

It doesn't have to be long, but we have found that stories with introduction messages get roughly 50% more uploads, so it's recommended! 

Uploading your video introduction to your Story

The easiest way to upload your video introduction to your Story:

1. Shoot the video on your phone

2. Log in to the Studio through your phone browser

3. Upload your video to the Story Media section

*If you'd like to edit your intro video (as Charlotte did in our second example, above) - at step 2 we'd recommend sending your Story join link to yourself so you can join and upload your clips, ready for editing in your Seenit studio.